Jackie chan singing rolling in the deep movie
Jackie chan singing rolling in the deep movie

jackie chan singing rolling in the deep movie

"Heckler" (I accidentally called it "Harangue" just now) is an 80-minute howl of fury and anguish in which Kennedy and a host of other well-known and not-well-known showbiz people tell oft-told tales of triumphant comebacks and humiliating disasters, freely venting their spleens at those who have spoken unkindly of them. or, perhaps, slighted him in on the playground or at a party or over the phone or online. The movie is his revenge fantasy against anyone who has ever heckled him on stage, or written a negative review. (I believe George Carlin had a routine about the use of violent metaphors directed at the audience in comedy: "Knock 'em dead!" "I killed!") In the documentary "Heckler" (now on Showtime and DVD) comedian Jamie Kennedy, as himself, plays both roles with ferocious intensity. Stand-up comedy, on the other hand, is rage turned back outward again. Psychologists say that depression is rage turned inward. you just have to see him deliver it himself. I'm forever grateful - and happy to see that movie on his list, along with some of my personal faves, including "Boogie Nights," "Dazed and Confused," "Fight Club," "The Insider," "Shaun of the Dead," "Memories of Murder," "The Host," "Unbreakable" and. It was my first Jackie Chan movie and I was blown away (as any Buster Keaton devotee would be). One of my own fondest moviegoing experiences was in 1992 or 1993 when (drop, names, drop!) QT took Julia Sweeney, Kathy Griffin and a few others (David Cross? Janeane Garofalo? Phil LaMarr? Margaret Cho? I can't remember who all was there that day.) and me to see Jackie Chan in "Supercop" (aka "Police Story 3") at the Laemmle in Santa Monica. I mean, who else would even do something like this? The guy demonstrates again and again that he lives and breathes movies. A predictably eclectic list of QT's favorite films that have been made since he started directing in 1992.

Jackie chan singing rolling in the deep movie